Viewing the colossal devastation of thousand- year-flooding -- 10,000-year-flooding -- from North Carolina to Valencia, Spain, know that a terrifying global regime none of us ever voted for, "Solar Radiation Management (SRM), is here." Is there a connection between the flooding and SRM? Among other reckless interferences in planetary weather systems, SRM geoengineering includes a measure called Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which is the injection, including via airplane, of light-reflecting particles into the stratosphere. Are we mere groundlings watching SAI in progress when we see obscene "chemtrails" tracking the skies overhead? Of course, not. That’s a conspiracy theory. How remarkable, then, how often I see these “conspiracy theories” forming all day long, striping and crossing and streaking and blurring and ruining the gorgeous blue sky and diffusing a dirty white haze which — whaddya know? — screens the sun.
Anyway, know also that there are "risks" involved in this insane sacrilege of spraying masses of nano metals into our air, which then fall all over our land and water and plants and animals and, of course, ourselves. Such “risks” are actually admitted to even by such climate activists (read: climate communists) as those at the Carnegie Institute.
These “risks” include (in Carnegie’s most dispassionate and least-descriptive language):
"--unintended warming or excessive cooling due to uncertainty in estimates of the amount of SRM needed
"--changes in volumes of regional precipitation"
The risk of "excessive cooling" is extremely notable, given the weather phenomenon referred to in Spain as "gota fria," or "cold drop." Such a “cold drop” in temperature has been widely blamed for triggering the massive, seemingly unprecedented rainfall totals driving this week’s flooding in Valencia — or, as the Carnegie “risk” analysis might describe it, the “changes in volumes of regional precipitation.” Both phenomena, however, have been instantly attributed without question, without concern, to "climate change" or "global warming” — and, as a result, human beings better stop warming themselves this winter or driving or running anything with fossil fuels now — except for those airplanes equipped to spew chemtrails, not that they never mention that.
Why not? We talk ad nauseam about global warming — why do we never talk about global spraying? And that goes for conservatives, too, who debunk many aspects of the global warming complex. As for fossil-fuel-usage, why does the “green” climate communist establishment fail to address or even acknowledge the astronomical number of gallons of jet fuel — and jetfuel pollution — employed in programs of Solar Radiation Management? The corruption is killing us.
What a terrible thing to witness floodwaters spreading across the earth again in a time when the rainbow is a sign of perversion and the survivors compliantly plunge themselves into darkness.
Thank you Diana— it’s time to stop pulling our punches and worrying about being accused of ‘conspiracy theories’ when we are witnessing massive destruction and loss of life but the full answers are not immediately available because the data is locked up in vaults. You lead the way again in taking a clear eyed look at what we are all witnessing, but are not allowed to name. -Ginger